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Bridging The Divide between the Metaverse and Real World

No More Gaming Avatars,

Only Yourself

Silhouette technology

Silhouette extracts each user’s video image with associated audio and embeds that image in real time, into the Metaverse or Microverses, such as our very own Nexos. 


This paradigm shifting technology will establish new dimensionality, connection and interactivity to virtual environments allowing you to make more meaningful and impactful connections. 



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Silhouette is replacing Gaming Avatars and is bringing you to life in the virtual World. You will now transport your physical being into virtual environments and no longer feel as though you are a character. You have explored our physical planet, now enjoy exploring our Virtual World as yourself. 


This is the final layer of Evolution from the Gaming Metaverse to a Hyper Realistic Virtual World. 


IVN enables our clients and consumers to interact Face to Face in real time, in hyper realistic environments through the use of Silhouette.


We believe the World needs to remove all borders/barriers and allow people to communicate at all levels in dynamic virtual environments that encourage interaction, creativity and freedom to express themselves in innovative ways.


Let's bring you to life in the Metaverse. 

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Tel: (800) 557-2500

       (310) 282-8300

2121 Avenue of the Stars Suite 800

Century City, CA 90067

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